Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? The Elves have the answer

Booking Santa Pete and Mrs Claus

Santa Pete And Mrs. Claus are professionals who spends every day throughout the year interacting with folks as Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

We wear premium, custom-tailored suits from head to toe. We feel very strongly that our outer appearance is as important as our inward appearance and our chief aim is to bring the highest level of authenticity both to the young and to the old throughout your visit with Santa.

How much is a Santa visit?

So, how much is a Santa and Mrs. Clauses visit? Well, it varies. Every event is special and different and we will be happy to provide you a custom quote so please contact us for an accurate quote
We do have our event pricing listed here.


How To Book Santa & Mrs. Claus?

To book Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus for your appearance, visit our booking form. Once you have a date in mind, fill out the form provided, you can e-mail or phone us with your event specifics: where the event will be held, what type of venue, and how many guests are expected. We will then respond with a quote, and pencil-in your event. If you agree to the quote, we will write a contract. Once we all agree to the contract terms, we will convert the booking to a firm-booking.

Payment will be due at the completion of your event. Payment may be paid via internet (Square) or check (credit-card over the phone is also an option). If paying in cash we would ask that it is given in a Christmas card or envelope so the children will not see the transaction.

There are exceptions to the no-refund policy:

  1.  If the appearance has to be cancelled by Santa for reasons beyond our control. We will make every attempt to provide a quality replacement, often at an additional cost to us beyond what the event pays (last minute replacements generally require a higher rate). However, the potential exists that no replacement can be found and in such case no payment is required.
  2. Severe weather that we deem to be impassable is also a reason we may cancel the appearance, and no payment is required.
  3. If the client cancels the event due to weather that we deem passable, 50% of the appearance fee is waived.
  4. Your event fee, is also not required if you cancel your event, visit or appearance on or before a 21 day advance notice and for reasons beyond your control. Otherwise, all contracts are final.

We hope you understand our position on our refund policy if you have any questions about refunded monies, please let us know. We exist for one reason, and one reason only: not to watch a clock, or collect a check, but to bring the unique joy of meeting Santa and Mrs. Claus to boys and girls of all ages. We wish to be your Santa on the day of your event!

Frequently Asked Questions

We cover a number of frequently asked questions in this section to better help you plan your Christmas event.
 If you don’t see the answer to your question, feel free to drop us a line by email.
We will respond faster than you can sing Rudy the Red Nose Reindeer. 

How do I book Santa?

Call or Text 727-377-1606 or email us directly at or or complete our Booking Form. You can use the same form for either private, municipal, or corporate appearances. You can view our web pages to see the type of events that are available and additional photos of the Claus’.
Holiday dates go quite fast, so we cannot guarantee availability as to your specific date or time of your individual event without a confirmed contract.

Do you send a contract?

To guarantee rates and terms quoted, all bookings are first done through our online booking form. This form can be used for either private, municipal, or corporate appearances. A contract is then sent by email which contains the specific details of the actual event, names and contact numbers of all persons involved, payment details, times and addresses, as well as what will take place during the visit. 

Is a deposit required?

In some occasions we may ask for a deposit of 30% of the total booking fee. Otherwise, we do not require a retainer nor a deposit. 

What happens if I need to cancel?

 If a cancellation becomes necessary as to your visit or appearance on or before a 21 day advance notice and for reasons beyond your control your event fee will be waived. Otherwise, all contracts are final.

For cancellation of any booking less than 21 days we understand things happen, there is always exceptions to rules. This can be discussed and a solution can be determined what would be best for all parties involved. Once schedules are confirmed and then cancelled in many cases those event times will be a loss of event fee whereby we may not be able to reschedule or fill that day or time period again.

What if I have a special request or need to make a change in the schedule?

We understand that every party is different and special to the needs of the client, family and guests. If you have a special request just let us know at the time of booking and we will tell you if we are able do it.

If you need to make a change in the schedule, please remember that we are booked at many events throughout the season. We often have two to four consecutive events per day, especially on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Often it is difficult to make changes after the initial booking is made, as we have filled in all of our appointments. Because of this, changes made after confirmation may not be possible but we will always do our best to accommodate you if we can.

There are times, we may be able to get other clients or families to adjust their schedules to meet your changes. When you foresee a change the earlier you can get to us the better the chances are.

What kind of background check does your company provide?

Santa Pete has a yearly current criminal background check. It is provided by IntelliCorp. Records, Inc.
A copy can be provided upon request.

What kind of insurance does Santa have?

Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus carries a minimum $1 million dollar entertainers’ liability policy with Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Co. A copy can be provided upon request.

What if I only need Santa for 30 minutes?

Thirty-minute bookings are available. Our standard rate is booked out at a 45 minute to one hour rate.
However. a 30-minute visit with a $50 discount is given off of our normal first 1 hour fee of $175, these are limited to private home visits for single-families. All other 30 minute home parties, corporate and special events are billed at our minimum of 45 minutes to one-hour within a 40-mile radius of Tampa, New Port Richey and Tarpon Springs additional miles may require an additional fee.

How early will Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive?

It is very difficult to hide Santa for most events or parties, Santa will call when he is about 5 minutes away.
Someone from your event can meet him and assist if necessary.
We will arrive approximately 15 minutes prior to appearance unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement.

Does Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus require any breaks?

Due to the nature of our traditional outfits, it is necessary that he have periodic breaks and that our performance location be cool and comfortable. This is so we can always look fresh and ready to go. If outdoors or in a warm environment appropriate breaks may be necessary as per health and safety regulations and again to have the opportunity to freshen up. It is assumed that all events will be indoors, or that arrangements have been made if the event is held outdoors, and therefore cancellations due to inclement weather will typically call for 50% of the event fee to be paid.

Can we use the photos of Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus for our company advertising and marketing?

Any and all photos taken of Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus, whether by individuals or professional photographers, are assumed to be for private or personal use of the client and may not be used for commercial or promotional use without written permission of Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus.

What will Santa be wearing?

Santa Pete has a natural white beard and wears a real traditional Santa suit with leather
boots and belt. It is our goal that his presentation be as authentic as possible.
Mrs. Claus is equally dressed as expected in a beautiful dress befitting of the first woman of Christmas.


Does Santa bring a chair or supply a backdrop where we can take photos?

In most cases Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus do not supply any chair or backdrop, but we can discuss what we do have at the time we are making your event arrangements.

If we have not addressed your question the Elves are certainly available, feel free to contact us for any and all of your questions.

For Your Consideration for Smaller Gatherings and Events

  1. Make sure that all your cameras and video equipment are charged and ready to go.
  2. Make sure that Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus has a parking spot that is close by the event.
  3. If you have gifts or items to be handed out, Santa is more than happy to do so. Please have gifts well marked with printed names that are well taped to the package, or better yet, printed with a bold marker right on the package in a legible color, as tape can fall off. All gifts should be able to fit into one large 35-gal trash bag, making sure that the bag can be lifted. If more than 1 bag is required, please talk to Santa ahead of time. Perhaps a “helper” can be arranged to bring in the other gifts.
  4. Make sure that everyone is there prior to Santa arriving. You can arrange to have Santa call you when he is 5 minutes away, so that you can get everyone ready.
  5. Have a sturdy chair for Santa and the Mrs. to sit in. A straight back dining room style chair without arms is a perfect choice. Please nothing with wheels or too soft and cushiony!
  6. Place their chairs near your tree or wherever you want so as to get a nice background for the pictures. Leave enough room for people to also stand behind and around the chairs.
  7. Santa also prefers NOT to be around cigarette or other smoke as it smells up his suit for other visits.
  8. When payment is due, please place it inside of a Christmas card or an envelope. It doesn’t look appropriate in front of the children or anyone else for that matter for Santa to just be handed cash. When Santa is ready to leave simply say something like “Thank You Santa, and here is a Christmas Card from all of us that we wanted you to have.”
  9. ALWAYS address Santa and Mrs. Claus as Santa and Mrs. Claus

In Mall and/or Very Large Events

  1. Large Family or Business Parties or other Special Events where children are attending, we ask that there is someone looking after them
    (crowd control and for their safety).

    2. ALWAYS address Santa and Mrs. Claus as Santa and Mrs. Claus.

    3. At Mall and or very large events, we should know where everything is located at the facility beforehand (restrooms, etc.).

    4. Depending upon how long Santa is scheduled, a break area for Santa may be needed so that he can change in or out of his suit and take a break. Santa may need hourly breaks 10 minutes for every 1 hour sitting again depending on the event. Please work this out prior to the event. And if Santa is walking around and standing at the event, additional breaks may be needed. Again, discuss this with Santa prior to the event. Please have cold water available. We do not eat or drink anything during the visit.

    5. Santa may possibly need a fan for certain indoor and summer outdoor events as these events can get very warm and sometimes crowded. As Santa is wearing a heavy suit, he can get overheated. Having a small fan placed near where he is to sit and aiming at his upper body does wonders.

    6. Have a way to control the crowd with a line of some sort. Assistants or helpers are a good idea.

    7. Santa in some cases might NOT lift, handle or carry a child. Parents should be ready and available to take their child to Santa, or place and remove a small infant from Santa’s arms.

    9. Make sure that all faces and hands of the kids are clean and not messy or sticky. Have some sort of wipes available along with a trash container nearby.

    10. Keep the line moving. Some moms and dads’ grandparents and friends will want to take lots of pictures.

 To get in touch with Santa Pete and Mrs. Claus!

You can use the booking form below to help us understand the details of your up and coming
holiday event or simply email us
directly with any questions you might have. or
Please include your best number or mobile phone, and the best time to contact you
as well as any additional details in your message.


Would you rather call?

Sure, we would love to speak to you
Call or Text 727-377-1606